
Showing posts from 2017

Humanity's Triumph

In an age of fear, where people’s cruelty seems at its zenith, the kindness of Mumbaikars and the unity they showed during the flood on 28 th August is a breath of fresh air. The flood was the worst in Mumbai after the disastrous 26 th July flood in 2005, but there was one silver lining amidst all the disaster. The flood may have paralysed the city at its roots, but it couldn’t hinder the spirit of the lively Mumbaikars. Times like these, when help comes from unexpected sources and religion or petty rivalries are overpowered by the sheer goodness of humanity, are what restore my faith in the human race even as the newspaper overflows with news of a religious leader getting away with rape and sadistic “games” like the blue-whale challenge. “A friend in need is a friend indeed”, but what about a complete stranger? Even as the entire city was filling up with water, people opened their homes to their fellow Mumbaikars who needed help. Social media was buzzing with tweets with spec...

GST: An Opinion (To add to many)

            In the 2014 general election, as in every election (but maybe more so because of the increasing popularity of social media), the Indian voters went into the election booths with hope in their hearts - hope for change . We all wish for India to be able to compete economically with countries like China, and hope for a time when India earns the coveted “Developed” tag. The dreams of a developed India may be fulfilled in the far future (the generation after ours or the one after that may see the reality), but the changes that have occurred over the last three years have definitely taken India ahead by leaps and bounds in the economic sector. As with any government, some of the changes since 2014 have been positive, while some have been negative. The question to ponder over is, while trying to move one step forward, have we really moved two steps back? There are enough opinions on the social media about this, and I’m not going to add my own to it. What I would like...

A Dog's Purpose: Why It Is A Must-Watch

            Well, I know this is extremely late to post something akin to a movie review about A Dog's Purpose, but I just watched it, and it made me really feel like singing praises for the must-watch movie. So here it is! Movies, nowadays, rarely manage to make us emotional in every sense of the word. Some movies are romantic and just make you want to laugh and cry at the same time with all the mushiness, while some may be tragic, making you cry buckets. Dog movies, in particular, are usually pretty unrealistic, and more often than not, animated. Marley and Me was a movie which was very realistic, and also managed to capture all the emotions of a dog-owner and dog. But then again, it is a real-life story, first written as a book, then adapted into a movie. A Dog’s Purpose, however, truly captured my heart. It is the most relatable movie possible for every dog-lover (more so for dog-owners), and would even win the hearts of people who’re scared of ...